Random Gods with unpronounceable names

Cheif deity of the Aztecs, who ruled Mexico in the 14th and 15th centuries.  His name means "blue hummingbird on the left".  No mention of what "blue hummingbird on the right" was named...Possibly Bob!

Rain god of Central America who threw wind, rain, lightning arrows, and to spice things up, leprosy on to mankind.  Married to Chalchihuitlicue.  Seriously!  Who makes up these names?

(This ones a goody!)  Supreme deity and sky god of the Zulus of Southern Africa.  Who would never tolerate any physical opposition.  He was uGuqbadele(irresistable), uGobungquongqo(he who topples kings), and uMabonga-Kutuk-izizwe-zonke(he who roars so that all nations are struck with terror).

Aztec goddess of flowers and fruits.  Her strong association with fertility is emphasised by the fact that her brother Xochipilli appears to be her lover.  During the sacred ball games that marked the vernal equinox, whenever a player scored, the spectators cried "he is a successful adulterer" referring to their illicit union.  Mysterious ways and all that, i guess.

--- Sally

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